Showing posts with label cheap chocolate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cheap chocolate. Show all posts

Monday, September 16, 2019

Supporting Our Economy By Buying Australian Made Chocolate

We all love a bar of chocolate. It helps the body to generate the happiness hormone serotonin that can prevent depression, regulate our moods and can even stop mood swings. Buying Australian chocolate is certainly something that we should all be doing more of. Every one of us needs to be doing our bit to support the local economy as well as our fellow citizens. One negative aspect that tends to put people off from buying Australian goods is that people always think that they’re too expensive. It’s true that you can buy low priced imported chocolate that will be cheaper but of lesser quality. However, if you want something that tastes great and is packed with only the best ingredients, Aussie-made can’t be beaten!

There’s so much work that goes into making quality Australian chocolate bars. As Australians, we are lucky to enjoy the highest wages in the world. So, if you want to buy Australian-made chocs that are handmade, it takes intensive Australian labour to create them. It’s true that the minimum casual wage here is as many as 91 times higher than in certain developing countries.

Often with Aussie handmade chocolate, the actual labour costs are more than half the cost of the end product. Then, you need to take into account the Australian labour costs to pack, sell and promote the goods. You also need to think about the freight company charges. It all adds up.

Quality Chocolate

You may be thinking to yourself as you read this that you don’t ever buy cheap chocolate. However, did you know that even the bigger brands such as Cadbury use cheaper quality ingredients? Additionally, all their bars are machine-made, so labour costs are kept to a minimum. Also, if you’re in the habit of buying Belgian chocolate, being Belgian doesn’t necessarily mean it’s better quality.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

10 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Feel Guilty For Eating Chocolate

Eating Chocolate

We all love chocolate. Whether you are partial to eating sugar-free chocolate, Australian chocolate, chocolate bars or anything else, chocolate is that one food that makes everything right in the world again. And, you know what? There is actually some hard evidence to suggest that chocolate is so much more than a guilty pleasure – it can actually be good for us! So, let’s take a look at 10 reasons why you just shouldn’t feel guilty about eating chocolate!


1. Chocolate makes you happy

We’ve always known that chocolate makes us happy but why is that the case? Well, it contains tryptophan. Tryptophan is a brain chemical that’s used to produce serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that can be found in some antidepressants. When levels are high, it stimulates endorphin secretion that leads to feelings of elation. So, chocolate really does lead to feelings of happiness!


2. Chocolate makes us feel brighter

Chocolate contains caffeine that can increase alertness, pulse and also heart rate. It also has phenylethylamine that produces an alert type of feeling.


3. Chocolate melts just below body temperature

Don’t you love the way that chocolate melts in your mouth? That’s because it’s melting point is just below body temperature. So satisfying and smooth!


4. Chocolate is one addiction that won’t land you in jail!

The great thing about chocolate is that it’s great to eat and even if you indulge a little too often, you’re not breaking any laws!


5. Chocolate equates with love

Flowers and chocolates are surely the way to anyone’s heart. Traditionally given as a romantic gift, eating chocolate is a yummy warm hug to the senses!

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Amber Lyn Sugar-Free Chocolate is Perfect for Diabetics

When it comes to sugar-free chocolate, the taste is so important. With so many people with diabetes and other health conditions that mean they need to restrict their sugar intake, sugar-free chocolate is becoming more and more popular. And, what’s not to like about chocolate with less sugar and calories than regular bars?

Amber Lyn chocolate is the best tasting diabetic chocolate around. It also doesn’t make a huge dent on your wallet. Amber Lyn chocolate is great for diabetics because it won’t make your blood sugar levels spike after you eat it. Their dark chocolate is completely sugar-free whereas the milk chocolate contains no added sugar whatsoever.

Amber Lyn Chocolate Tastes Amazing!

Now, you may think that sugar-free and no added sugar chocolate doesn’t sound that appetising but let us tell you that it is so yummy. It’s so far removed from ordinary bitter, bland and cheap chocolate bars that so many stores sell. When you buy Amber Lyn sugar-free chocolate, you’re in for the treat of your life (or at least day!) You see, Amber Lyn chocolate is sweetened with maltitol which is a sugar alcohol. Additionally, the chocolate is made from premium-quality Belgian chocolate beans.