Showing posts with label Chocolate Lover. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chocolate Lover. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

20 Amazing Chocolate Facts

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when we mention chocolate bars? Warmth? Happiness? Luxury? Cravings? Whatever relationship you have with the sweet stuff, it’s likely that it’s a loving one – especially due to the fact that you’re here reading this blog!

Kids and adults alike love chocolate. It’s so wonderful that it can even solve every problem imaginable. Feel sad? Eat chocolate. Got something to celebrate? Then why not buy a whole box? Chocolate should really be the 8th wonder of the world when you think about it. In fact, it’s been so highly prized throughout time that it’s even been used as currency! So, whether you enjoy sugar-free chocolate, good old Australian chocolate, Whittakers chocolate or any other type, read on for some amazing chocolate facts!
  1. Cacao seeds were used as money by the Aztecs
  2. The first ever chocolate bar was invented by Joseph Fry in 1847
  3. Montezuma II, the Aztec emperor, drank over 50 cups of chocolate every day!
  4. Chocolate milk aids recovery after a workout
  5. The chocolate river in the original Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory was made with cream, chocolate and a staggering 15,000 gallons of water! Sounds amazing? The cast said that it stank because it spoiled so quickly.
  6. Way back in 1930, a lady named Ruth Wakefield ran out of baker’s chocolate while making cookies, so she used Nestle chocolate pieces instead. She later sold on her idea for creating chocolate chip cookies to Nestle for a gift of a lifetime supply of chocolate!
  7. Bizarrely, Lays once produced limited edition chips coated in milk chocolate. Yum!?
  8. An Aztec slave could be purchased for 100 cocoa beans

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

10 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Feel Guilty For Eating Chocolate

Eating Chocolate

We all love chocolate. Whether you are partial to eating sugar-free chocolate, Australian chocolate, chocolate bars or anything else, chocolate is that one food that makes everything right in the world again. And, you know what? There is actually some hard evidence to suggest that chocolate is so much more than a guilty pleasure – it can actually be good for us! So, let’s take a look at 10 reasons why you just shouldn’t feel guilty about eating chocolate!


1. Chocolate makes you happy

We’ve always known that chocolate makes us happy but why is that the case? Well, it contains tryptophan. Tryptophan is a brain chemical that’s used to produce serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that can be found in some antidepressants. When levels are high, it stimulates endorphin secretion that leads to feelings of elation. So, chocolate really does lead to feelings of happiness!


2. Chocolate makes us feel brighter

Chocolate contains caffeine that can increase alertness, pulse and also heart rate. It also has phenylethylamine that produces an alert type of feeling.


3. Chocolate melts just below body temperature

Don’t you love the way that chocolate melts in your mouth? That’s because it’s melting point is just below body temperature. So satisfying and smooth!


4. Chocolate is one addiction that won’t land you in jail!

The great thing about chocolate is that it’s great to eat and even if you indulge a little too often, you’re not breaking any laws!


5. Chocolate equates with love

Flowers and chocolates are surely the way to anyone’s heart. Traditionally given as a romantic gift, eating chocolate is a yummy warm hug to the senses!