Showing posts with label AU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AU. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Candy and Chocolate Keep You Warm When It’s Cold Outside

Who likes being cold? Certainly not us! When the temperatures drop outside, we are always looking for ways to keep as warm as possible. We do all the usual stuff such as wearing hats and coats, cranking up the heating and so on. However, all that is pretty boring, so we decided to find a fun way to keep warm. Food is energy, right? So, when it’s cold outside, we love to stock up on candy and chocolate from all over the world and get munching!

If you love our idea (and let’s face it, who wouldn’t?) then we have loads of lollies and sweet treats from all over the world that can be sent direct to your door in next to no time at all! There is truly nothing as decadent as enjoying some candies and chocolate as a treat. It’s almost as though we are transported back to being a child again. There’s something that’s a little naughty about enjoying something that we know can’t be too good for us in large quantities!

Here, at Joy’s De’Lights we firmly believe in saying NO to regular snacks. This is why we have scoured the planet for exciting, unique, delicious and fun treats for you to enjoy all throughout the winter and the summer months! We stock everything from good old Aussie candy to American candy, popping candy and Jolly Rancher candy. There is truly something for everyone here in our online store.

Sugar Gives You Energy!

Consuming sugar gives your brain a huge surge of dopamine that makes you feel good. So, eating some sweet treats from time to time is an excellent way of getting a quick burst of energy when you need it. You can keep your energy levels up by eating a tasty sandwich with Marshmallow Fluff and peanut butter. Or, you could order some Egg Sandwich Pringles if you’re feeling adventurous! Oh, and we have all the old favourites ready for you to buy such as M&Ms and Jolly Ranchers.

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Monday, September 16, 2019

Supporting Our Economy By Buying Australian Made Chocolate

We all love a bar of chocolate. It helps the body to generate the happiness hormone serotonin that can prevent depression, regulate our moods and can even stop mood swings. Buying Australian chocolate is certainly something that we should all be doing more of. Every one of us needs to be doing our bit to support the local economy as well as our fellow citizens. One negative aspect that tends to put people off from buying Australian goods is that people always think that they’re too expensive. It’s true that you can buy low priced imported chocolate that will be cheaper but of lesser quality. However, if you want something that tastes great and is packed with only the best ingredients, Aussie-made can’t be beaten!

There’s so much work that goes into making quality Australian chocolate bars. As Australians, we are lucky to enjoy the highest wages in the world. So, if you want to buy Australian-made chocs that are handmade, it takes intensive Australian labour to create them. It’s true that the minimum casual wage here is as many as 91 times higher than in certain developing countries.

Often with Aussie handmade chocolate, the actual labour costs are more than half the cost of the end product. Then, you need to take into account the Australian labour costs to pack, sell and promote the goods. You also need to think about the freight company charges. It all adds up.

Quality Chocolate

You may be thinking to yourself as you read this that you don’t ever buy cheap chocolate. However, did you know that even the bigger brands such as Cadbury use cheaper quality ingredients? Additionally, all their bars are machine-made, so labour costs are kept to a minimum. Also, if you’re in the habit of buying Belgian chocolate, being Belgian doesn’t necessarily mean it’s better quality.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Why We Crave Crunchy Snacks

We all crave crunchy snacks like Flamin’ Hot Cheetos and chips every now and then. They’re tasty and they’re handy to have in the kitchen when we feel like a bite. Have you ever wondered why you crave something crunchy though? You know those times where a soft sandwich will never do and all you want to enjoy is that satisfying crispiness in your mouth? In this blog, we take a look at a little bit of the science behind why we love crunchy and loud foods.

A sensory experience

People just love the sensory experience of eating noisy, crunchy snacks. As we’re demolishing them, the sound brings us feelings of satisfaction. When we hear it, we just want to eat more. However, if you’re on the receiving end of listening to someone else loudly crunching, it can be pretty annoying. So, crunching is a very personal thing!

Fresher food is good food

Interestingly, babies aren’t born enjoying noisy food. There are no benefits to the sounds a food makes as we’re eating them in terms of nutrition. Having said that, it’s true that noisy foods tend to make us feel that they are fresh. Think about it, whenever you’ve eaten a soggy or even slightly less crunchy chip, its likely that you’ve not enjoyed it or thrown the bag away. Even thinking about fresh produce, such as celery or apples, the better the crunch, the fresher it is and the more nutrients and vitamins it contains.

Noisier foods tend to be fattier

Another school of thought when it comes to crunchy American snacks, Japanese snacks and more is that our brains enjoy the fat in food and that noisy foods tend to be fattier. We always enjoy a little something that we know might not be great for us in huge amounts, especially when it’s flavour-laden!

Monday, April 22, 2019

Why Buying Australian-Made is Worth the Money

Life is so expensive nowadays. It’s tempting to cut corners when we’re buying goods just to save a few extra dollars here and there. However, when it comes to buying Australian chocolate, that’s another matter altogether. As Aussies, it’s crucial for us to support our local and national businesses. However, sometimes it can be as though we are looking for all that wonderful Australian quality but at bargain basement ‘import’ prices.

It’s true that our country has some of the highest wages in the world. Consequently, if you want to buy Aussie-made and handmade, it takes a great deal of ‘expensive’ labour to create it. We are lucky in Australia to earn around $200 a day on average. So, when you’re buying Australian chocolate, this needs to be factored into the equation. Our minimum casual wage is as much as 91 times the equivalent in many developing countries.

Australian chocolate is often handmade, so the actual labour costs are more than half the cost of the product. Add this to the fact that Aussie labour packs and sells the end products as well as everything else in between and you will see why our own goods from our own country tend to cost that bit more.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

How the Demand for Sugar-Free is Destroying Real Chocolate

Being health conscious is something that’s on everyone’s minds nowadays. However, with so much conflicting information about what’s good for us and what’s bad, it’s no wonder that we’re all wondering what foods really are best for us. For example, chocolate is supposed to prevent heart attacks. Well, at least the cacao is…but what about all that sugar in Australian chocolate?

All the research into chocolate is sponsored by huge corporations who only have their own agendas in mind. Even the doctors are on commission. Big pharma is coming up with brand new diseases and issues every day as the media hangs on their every report. And, while all this is happening, consumers are confused as they struggle to be healthy. We’re becoming sicker than ever before as a result!

So, what’s going on? Throughout the years we have completely lost the natural ability to listen to our bodies. We are on the go 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so we don’t even have the time to stop even just for a minute and to actually listen to our inner selves. We no longer have the capacity to recognise what foods make us feel good and which ones make us feel lethargic. So, we listen to what we’re being told and this becomes our reality.