Showing posts with label Australian Lollies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Australian Lollies. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Just Why Do We Love Popping Candy So Much And How Does It Work?

There’s nothing more exciting to eat than popping candy. When you put it in your mouth, you’ve no idea whether you’ll experience a little fizz and tingle or more of an explosion! Popping candy is great to use in all sorts of recipes or you can just eat it the old-fashioned way. Whether you like sour lollies, Australian lollies, American candy or anything else, popping candy is one sweet treat that’s always good to have in the kitchen cupboard.

Popping candy causes explosions on your tongue. And, it’s unique pop, fizz and crackle are down to how it’s made. So, let’s find out more.

How is popping candy made?

Believe it or not but popping candy is made is a very similar way to normal boiled lollies. Flavouring, sugar, water and corn syrup are mixed and heated until the water boils away. If this mixture was then put to one side and allowed to cool, you’d have regular hard sweets. However, popping candy is made by exposing the mixture to 40 times normal atmospheric pressure high-pressure carbon dioxide gas. Bubbles then form and as the mix cools down, the pressure is released causing it to shatter into lots of hard little rock-like pieces. Each little piece is filled with high-pressure pockets. So, when you eat the candy, or place it on your tongue, it melts and releases the little pressurised bubbles. And, this is why popping candy explodes in your mouth. Amazing! We wonder who first came up with the idea?

The history of popping candy

Way back in 1956, William A. Mitchell was working for General Foods of America. The chemist created popping candy, but it took until 1975 until consumers saw it on shop shelves. Interestingly, in those days there was a rumour circulating that if you mixed coke with popping candy, you would either choke or your stomach would blow up! Of course, this wasn’t true but General Foods were forced to send out open letters to schools and parents as well as setting up roadshows to dispel the myth!

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Just Why Do We Love Sweet Things So Much?

We Love Sweet

Sweet treats are something that the majority of us look forward to having. Of course, there are some individuals who just don’t really like sugary things however if you’re here reading this then we think you probably love lollies (or at least know someone who does!) Those of us who enjoy some sweetness tend to prefer this across all manner of different foods and beverages. It makes you wonder; just why do some people adore lollies so much?

Interestingly, the human sense of taste is unlike any other. There’s scientific data that seems to support that as many as half of all people have a sweet tooth. We are actually born with already established tastes with the enjoyment of sweet food being hereditary in part. Who knew?!

When you enjoy eating something sweet such as Starburst lollies, Jolly Rancher candy, hard candy etc, your brain releases dopamine that’s associated with reward. Additionally, sugar consumption gives us a pleasure rush that’s difficult to find anywhere else.

Our tongues can detect four basic types of flavour – sweet, sour, bitter and salty. It’s argued that us people are naturally drawn to sweet things because our ancestors were primates that ate tree fruits. When you think about it, this makes sense. Apes and monkeys spend their time searching through forests for ripe fruit. This ripe fruit is far better on an energy level due to it having a higher sugar content than bitter, unripe fruit. Also, ripe fruit contains more water so it’s hydrating too.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Amber Lyn Sugar-Free Chocolate is Perfect for Diabetics

When it comes to sugar-free chocolate, the taste is so important. With so many people with diabetes and other health conditions that mean they need to restrict their sugar intake, sugar-free chocolate is becoming more and more popular. And, what’s not to like about chocolate with less sugar and calories than regular bars?

Amber Lyn chocolate is the best tasting diabetic chocolate around. It also doesn’t make a huge dent on your wallet. Amber Lyn chocolate is great for diabetics because it won’t make your blood sugar levels spike after you eat it. Their dark chocolate is completely sugar-free whereas the milk chocolate contains no added sugar whatsoever.

Amber Lyn Chocolate Tastes Amazing!

Now, you may think that sugar-free and no added sugar chocolate doesn’t sound that appetising but let us tell you that it is so yummy. It’s so far removed from ordinary bitter, bland and cheap chocolate bars that so many stores sell. When you buy Amber Lyn sugar-free chocolate, you’re in for the treat of your life (or at least day!) You see, Amber Lyn chocolate is sweetened with maltitol which is a sugar alcohol. Additionally, the chocolate is made from premium-quality Belgian chocolate beans.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Why Buying Australian-Made is Worth the Money

Life is so expensive nowadays. It’s tempting to cut corners when we’re buying goods just to save a few extra dollars here and there. However, when it comes to buying Australian chocolate, that’s another matter altogether. As Aussies, it’s crucial for us to support our local and national businesses. However, sometimes it can be as though we are looking for all that wonderful Australian quality but at bargain basement ‘import’ prices.

It’s true that our country has some of the highest wages in the world. Consequently, if you want to buy Aussie-made and handmade, it takes a great deal of ‘expensive’ labour to create it. We are lucky in Australia to earn around $200 a day on average. So, when you’re buying Australian chocolate, this needs to be factored into the equation. Our minimum casual wage is as much as 91 times the equivalent in many developing countries.

Australian chocolate is often handmade, so the actual labour costs are more than half the cost of the product. Add this to the fact that Aussie labour packs and sells the end products as well as everything else in between and you will see why our own goods from our own country tend to cost that bit more.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Lollies From Around the World

Lollies are the best invention around. From America to Australia and everywhere in between, people have been enjoying the humble lolly for years! It seems like every country you visit has its own amazing tasty treats as well as some world-renowned favourites. Here, we take a look at some of our favourite lollies we have discovered on our travels.

Starburst Lollies

One of our big favourites as well as being loved by our customers is Starburst Jellybeans. These gorgeous lollies come in cherry, orange, strawberry, lemon, green apple and grape flavours and even contain real fruit juice! An added bonus is that Starburst Jellybeans are gluten-free as well as being suitable for vegetarians so everyone can enjoy a handful.

Sugar-Free Lollies

Whether you’re diabetic, watching your weight or just wishing to live a healthier lifestyle, we have a huge selection of sugar-free lollies to choose from. You can choose from sugar-free Toffee Apple Humbugs, sugar-free Teddy Bears and so many more. Our Reese’s sugar-free Peanut Butter Cups have all the amazing taste of their full-sugar counterparts but with no sugar whatsoever. All the taste without the guilt – perfect!

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

How the Demand for Sugar-Free is Destroying Real Chocolate

Being health conscious is something that’s on everyone’s minds nowadays. However, with so much conflicting information about what’s good for us and what’s bad, it’s no wonder that we’re all wondering what foods really are best for us. For example, chocolate is supposed to prevent heart attacks. Well, at least the cacao is…but what about all that sugar in Australian chocolate?

All the research into chocolate is sponsored by huge corporations who only have their own agendas in mind. Even the doctors are on commission. Big pharma is coming up with brand new diseases and issues every day as the media hangs on their every report. And, while all this is happening, consumers are confused as they struggle to be healthy. We’re becoming sicker than ever before as a result!

So, what’s going on? Throughout the years we have completely lost the natural ability to listen to our bodies. We are on the go 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so we don’t even have the time to stop even just for a minute and to actually listen to our inner selves. We no longer have the capacity to recognise what foods make us feel good and which ones make us feel lethargic. So, we listen to what we’re being told and this becomes our reality.