Showing posts with label Cadbury. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cadbury. Show all posts

Monday, September 16, 2019

Supporting Our Economy By Buying Australian Made Chocolate

We all love a bar of chocolate. It helps the body to generate the happiness hormone serotonin that can prevent depression, regulate our moods and can even stop mood swings. Buying Australian chocolate is certainly something that we should all be doing more of. Every one of us needs to be doing our bit to support the local economy as well as our fellow citizens. One negative aspect that tends to put people off from buying Australian goods is that people always think that they’re too expensive. It’s true that you can buy low priced imported chocolate that will be cheaper but of lesser quality. However, if you want something that tastes great and is packed with only the best ingredients, Aussie-made can’t be beaten!

There’s so much work that goes into making quality Australian chocolate bars. As Australians, we are lucky to enjoy the highest wages in the world. So, if you want to buy Australian-made chocs that are handmade, it takes intensive Australian labour to create them. It’s true that the minimum casual wage here is as many as 91 times higher than in certain developing countries.

Often with Aussie handmade chocolate, the actual labour costs are more than half the cost of the end product. Then, you need to take into account the Australian labour costs to pack, sell and promote the goods. You also need to think about the freight company charges. It all adds up.

Quality Chocolate

You may be thinking to yourself as you read this that you don’t ever buy cheap chocolate. However, did you know that even the bigger brands such as Cadbury use cheaper quality ingredients? Additionally, all their bars are machine-made, so labour costs are kept to a minimum. Also, if you’re in the habit of buying Belgian chocolate, being Belgian doesn’t necessarily mean it’s better quality.