Thursday, June 27, 2019

Just Why Do We Love Sweet Things So Much?

We Love Sweet

Sweet treats are something that the majority of us look forward to having. Of course, there are some individuals who just don’t really like sugary things however if you’re here reading this then we think you probably love lollies (or at least know someone who does!) Those of us who enjoy some sweetness tend to prefer this across all manner of different foods and beverages. It makes you wonder; just why do some people adore lollies so much?

Interestingly, the human sense of taste is unlike any other. There’s scientific data that seems to support that as many as half of all people have a sweet tooth. We are actually born with already established tastes with the enjoyment of sweet food being hereditary in part. Who knew?!

When you enjoy eating something sweet such as Starburst lollies, Jolly Rancher candy, hard candy etc, your brain releases dopamine that’s associated with reward. Additionally, sugar consumption gives us a pleasure rush that’s difficult to find anywhere else.

Our tongues can detect four basic types of flavour – sweet, sour, bitter and salty. It’s argued that us people are naturally drawn to sweet things because our ancestors were primates that ate tree fruits. When you think about it, this makes sense. Apes and monkeys spend their time searching through forests for ripe fruit. This ripe fruit is far better on an energy level due to it having a higher sugar content than bitter, unripe fruit. Also, ripe fruit contains more water so it’s hydrating too.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

American Snacks Are Loved The World Over

American Snacks
Americans arguably are the snacking experts of the western world. Watch any U.S. show and you’ll see kitchens bursting with all the American brands that have become synonymous with the country. Although this blog is focusing on snacks from the U.S.A. is must be noted that us Aussies adore our snacks too. So, when we can get our hands and teeth onto something new and exciting, it’s a time for celebration!

American snacks, much like Australian lollies and snacks, are all those tasty and generally sweet or savoury foods that most of the time do not constitute a part of a meal. Snacks such as Jolly Rancher Candy and popping candy tend to be very popular in the U.S. Although a lot of these snacks are sweet, it must be said that lots are spicy too such as potato chips and salted peanuts. So, no matter whether your tastes are sweet or savoury, there is plenty for you to try here in our online store.

Let’s take a look at some enduringly popular U.S. snacks so we can find out more about them:

Cinnamon Toast Crunch

Although Cinnamon Toast Crunch is marketed as a kids’ cereal, adults adore it too. Since it was first produced back in 1984, it has been a real favourite of people the world over. Cinnamon Toast Crunch was created to mimic the taste of cinnamon toast. When you pour milk over a bowl of these amazing tasty squares, you can actually hear them ‘snap!’ Why not order some so you can try the cereal for yourself?


Everyone knows and loves an Oreo! First produced in 1912, Oreos are the biggest selling cookie in the whole of the U.S.A. Over the years there have been various limited edition runs of the cookies.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Amber Lyn Sugar-Free Chocolate is Perfect for Diabetics

When it comes to sugar-free chocolate, the taste is so important. With so many people with diabetes and other health conditions that mean they need to restrict their sugar intake, sugar-free chocolate is becoming more and more popular. And, what’s not to like about chocolate with less sugar and calories than regular bars?

Amber Lyn chocolate is the best tasting diabetic chocolate around. It also doesn’t make a huge dent on your wallet. Amber Lyn chocolate is great for diabetics because it won’t make your blood sugar levels spike after you eat it. Their dark chocolate is completely sugar-free whereas the milk chocolate contains no added sugar whatsoever.

Amber Lyn Chocolate Tastes Amazing!

Now, you may think that sugar-free and no added sugar chocolate doesn’t sound that appetising but let us tell you that it is so yummy. It’s so far removed from ordinary bitter, bland and cheap chocolate bars that so many stores sell. When you buy Amber Lyn sugar-free chocolate, you’re in for the treat of your life (or at least day!) You see, Amber Lyn chocolate is sweetened with maltitol which is a sugar alcohol. Additionally, the chocolate is made from premium-quality Belgian chocolate beans.

Monday, May 13, 2019

12 Aussie Snacks We All Love to Enjoy

How lucky are we to live in Australia? We have the best weather imaginable all year round. Our rich red earth is breathtaking and have you stopped to appreciate our beautiful crystal-clear waters? We are so fortunate to have so much on our doorstep that we have no need to go anywhere else! Oh, and did I mention our incredible wildlife?

Australia is the country that keeps on giving. We also have the freshest foods to taste and enjoy. Also, our snacks are some of the best in the world. With this in mind, let’s take a look at some of our favourite classics.

1. Cheezels

Who doesn’t love Cheezels? And, who puts these yummy treats onto each of their fingers before eating them all off one by one? If someone you know doesn’t eat their Cheezels like this, they’re not to be trusted!

2.  Iced Vovo

So jammy and so coconutty – these sweet biscuits are such an iconic Aussie snack. Just writing this is making my tummy rumble!

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